The performance of a F1 racing car is affected by the deterioration produced by the torsional oscillations of the axle shafts, triggered by gear changes or loss of wheel-to-ground contact, due to irregularities in the road surface or the passage of the car over the curbs. The control software developed for the minimization of the oscillations was obtained by rigorously applying the model-based design approach: starting from the formalization of the requirements, a mathematical model of the phenomenon was developed, whose systematic analysis allowed the conception of the diagnosis algorithm and the synthesis of the control algorithm through advanced control techniques. The solution proved to be extremely robust and simple to calibrate, compatible with the implementation constraints of on-board electronics. The results achieved demonstrate that a consistent and scrupulous application of the model-based design approach leads to a full understanding of the phenomena, from which a congruent synthesis of the control software descends, which results linear in the calibration and robust in performance thanks to the intimate bond that preserves with the physical system.