The electronic control VMS (Vehicle Management System) for electric or hybrid electric vehicles, hydrostatic and kinematic vehicles is the electronic unit of control on board the vehicle in charge of the management of the vehicle propulsion system, interacting with the electronic control unit of the vehicle with internal combustion engine (if present), the inverters of the electric machines, the BMS (Battery Management System) of the battery pack, the on-board battery charger, and the other electronic control units present on the vehicle. The VMS electronic control developed by Pure Power Control is distinguished by the effective and robust software functional architecture, developed with the aim of supporting a wide configurability and allowing a direct customization of the control functions for the application requested by the customer. An essential element of software architecture is the separation between the functions related to storage technologies (electric, hydrostatic or kinematic) and the functions assigned to the management of power flows on the propulsion system. These are in turn configurable with respect to the P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, series or power-split architectures adopted for the propulsion system. The VMS is equipped with a rich library of functions for energy optimization including strategies for: management of the charge state of the accumulator, regeneration, management of auxiliaries, estimation of autonomy, minimization of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, global energy optimization of the vehicle. The control functions included in the VMS are specialized for cars, commercial vehicles, operating machines and marine applications. The VMS control software can be used for the realization of prototype vehicle concepts or integrated into electronic control units available on board or in a dedicated control unit communicating by CAN with the other electronic control units on board.